Arsene Wenger

arsene-wenger-609836I think that Arsene Wenger has shown a lot of love and respect for Arsenal Football Club, it’s players and it’s supporters. He has been manager of Arsenal for 20 years and during that time he has shown loyalty to the club when things weren’t going well. It would have been easy for him to give up and walk away but he chose not to. He loves his players and always wants the best for them and he respects them by allowing them to express themselves on the football field and make their own decisions rather than force them to do what he wants. He stands by them when they make mistakes and always praises their effort and commitment. This is why I think Arsene Wenger has shown our school values.


All animals (even dogs and cats) are adapted to their environment. In the comments box below, write about an animal and how it is adapted to it’s environment. Explain the adaptation and how the animal benefits from it.

Living Things (2016)

All living things are classified into groups, we’ll call them branches. It’s like a massive tree with each branch being wither a group of animals of an individual species. They are grouped according to their characteristics.

There are 5 kingdoms (you could think of this as 5 different trees). Here’s a good page to help you with the 5 kingdoms.

Each kingdom is split into different groups so animals are split into two main groups. These groups are vertebrates and invertebrates. Have a look here for a better explanation.

To respond to this blog you should leave a comment about a VETEBRATE. Describe the vertebrate you have chosen without giving us it’s name. Everyone else would have to guess.

You could: describe what it looks like, tell us what habitat it lives in, does it have skin, fur, scales, wings etc.

Make sure you reference where you got your information from. See this page for how to do this if you cannot remember.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Think about what you are good at. Think about what you really enjoy doing. Think about what you would like to achieve in your life.

Some people have a really clear idea about what they want to be when they grow up and they work really hard towards that aim as they grow up. Other people have no idea at all but really know what they love to do right now. I was recently told to think about the things that really inspired me. I think I responded by saying that music and drama is what really inspires me! Anyway. Respond to this post with what you would like to be when you grow up. If you don’t know, that’s OK – it really is. You could think about something you would like to achieve in your life. It could be to travel and see the world, climb a mountain, swim with dolphins, sing on a stage! It doesn’t matter.

Could you ask your parents if they can remember what they wanted to be when they grew up? Have they achieved a life’s ambition or do they still have a burning ambition to do something?


The history of childhood – from an older perspective!

I met a man recently who began talking about technology when he was little. He showed a picture of himself and talked about some of the new technologies that were around when he was young. Can you imagine a world with only two TV stations, neither of them broadcast all day? Can you imagine a world where music was played on vinyl and you could only hold about 12 songs in your hand? There are currently 9500 songs on my iPod? (I may have rounded that to the nearest 100).

For your homework I would like you to ask someone from an older generation to tell you what it was like being a child when they were young. You could ask them about school, playing, safety, travel, holidays or ask them to describe what it was like where they lived. Once you have your information I would like you to add a comment below with it. You can then comment on other peoples posts where you notice something that you have in common with them.

Your childhood.

Think about your childhood so far. Think about that group of children in 150 years time studying what it was like for children in 2015.

Write a blog post to them, telling them as much as you can about your childhood. Tell them about the things you like doing, what technology you enjoy using, what transport you use, what school is like (be historical!) what jobs you have to do (think!) and what games you play.


Narrative Poems.

Do you have any narrative poems at home? Do your parents know of any poems they studied when they were younger that tell a story? Do you have a favourite narrative poem? Can you use the internet to find a narrative poem? Post in the comments section below a website link or the name of a narrative poem.

Once there are a few there we can all comment on the ones we like the most and why.

Living Things

All living things are classified into groups, we’ll call them branches. It’s like a massive tree with each branch being wither a group of animals of an individual species. They are grouped according to their characteristics.

There are 5 kingdoms (you could think of this as 5 different trees). Here’s a good page to help you with the 5 kingdoms.

Each kingdom is split into different groups so animals are split into two main groups. These groups are vertebrates and invertebrates. Have a look here for a better explanation.

To respond to this blog you should leave a comment about a VETEBRATE. Describe the vertebrate you have chosen without giving us it’s name. Everyone else would have to guess.

You could: describe what it looks like, tell us what habitat it lives in, does it have skin, fur, scales, wings etc.

Make sure you reference where you got your information from. See this page for how to do this if you cannot remember.

Family Traditions at Christmas

Many people have begun the task of shopping for Christmas. It’s not only presents for family and friends that need bought to supplement the sackful of presents that arrive with Santa down the chimney, but all of the food and drink needs bought and we need to get ready for either visiting people or being visited by family. Every year, every family have a few family traditions. What are yours? Comment below with one thing that always happens on your house at Christmas. In our family, we always have Coronation Turkey on Boxing Day and find a forest to walk around.