Your childhood.

Think about your childhood so far. Think about that group of children in 150 years time studying what it was like for children in 2015.

Write a blog post to them, telling them as much as you can about your childhood. Tell them about the things you like doing, what technology you enjoy using, what transport you use, what school is like (be historical!) what jobs you have to do (think!) and what games you play.


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10 thoughts on “Your childhood.


    Our schools have year groups that depend on your age.
    The jobs we do are like astronaut,police man and post men.
    We use transport like cars and buses with wheels.
    We have phones that have apps on and have to be charged by electricity.
    We play sports like football ,cricket and rugby.

  2. I enjoy playing Minecraft, Minecraft is a digital blocky world where you are free to build and explore. I’ve also just started scouts which is a community club for children from 10 to 14 year olds where you use your map skills , play games and go camping.
    I also go to school in a car which uses petrol , people have made electric cars which you can charge up but there aren’t many of them.
    At school we start at 8:45 and end at 3:15. Also in some classes there are two different age groups mixed together. I am also a year 6 so next year I will go into year 7 and go into secondary school.
    There are lots of different jobs like office jobs and shops and factories, when I’m older I want to work in a computer company.
    I like to play tennis and football and car games . I also like playing a game called IT where if your are chosen to be IT, you have to get someone else by touching them and saying IT. Then you have to run away from them as now they are IT!

  3. I like going on my trampoline and doing drama.
    The technology we use is iphones ,ipods and tablets we also use the internet to look up information.
    We use car, trains, buses and planes.
    Our primary schools usually go up to year six and then secondary school goes to year up to year eleven.
    The jobs that we do are washing up ,tidying our bedroom and emptying the dishwasher.
    We play sports such as football ,cricket, netball and we also play games on the computer and phones.

  4. In are school we have classes depending on how old we are. We also have lots of subjects: Maths, English, History,Art, ICT.We have break times that last 15mins and lunch lasts 1hour. I use computers, iPad, and phone. We use cars planes and boats. In the house we do lots of jobs like setting the table and cleaning the cars. I like playing Uno game of life and cludo. That is what childhood in 2015 is like.

  5. My school is quite small, it has about 150 people in it but my sister’s school has about 1000 people. In class we learn about English, maths,RE, ICT, PSHE and science.
    I cycle to school every day but others who live far may use buses or cars on wheels that use petrol, diesel or electricity. To travel long distances we use planes or boats.
    We have mobile phones which are about 10cm long and 5cm wide. On our
    phones we can make calls and texts also we can play games like angry birds which involves flinging birds into structures with green pigs inside.
    On computers we can also play games and send messages. We have this thing called the internet which anyone can post games or find information on. Our computers use windows 7 currently but window 8 and 9 have been released and widows 10 just came out.
    Children up to 18 can do the paper round which is handing out all the newspapers we can also do baby sitting.
    At home we play games like minecraft which involves a console like a xbox and you have to try to survive on a world made out out of cubes you can die by starvation, falling from heights or being eaten by zombies or blown up by creepers. We also have lots of board games and crafty things.
    Outside we can play games like football where you have to kick a ball into net but not let the goalkeeper get it. We also play 40/40 in where you have to hide.
    Childhood could be fun if we didn’t have to go to school or if our parents didn’t tell us off all the time!

  6. We play physical games like it and manhunt.
    We use phones and computers.
    We also let girls and boys go to school in the same place.
    We use cars buses and trains.(With wheels.)
    We get jobs like firemen, business men and policemen

  7. We play contact games where you have to tag people and catch people.
    We use phones,TV,x boxes and computers.
    We do not get whipped and hit with sticks we just sometimes get shouted at.
    We travel in cars,trains,planes and helicopters.
    We have to do chores and house work.
    I play Plants vs Zombies and mind craft on the X box.

  8. In my school we play a bit more contact such as manhunt,bulldog and It (tag).We are not allowed out of school like others used to.We also use different types of electronics such as whiteboards, computers and printers.Our subjects in school are P.E,ICT,TOPIC,MATHS,ENGLISH,MUSIC,FRENCH and SCIENCE.

    Home. At my house we have loads of electronics like I pads,I pods,Computers,Printers,TVs and an Xbox. I usually play on the Xbox,the Xbox is a type of console,It has a controller with it which has A,B,X and Y on it and other buttons too. I mostly play on fifa which is a football game where you can control the football players.I keep in touch with friends and family by using a social network site called INSTAGRAM. Instagram which is a site where you can follow friends and take pictures of yourself and share that picture with them.

    Weekend.In our two days of our weekend I would normally have sports such as cricket and football.After that we will do something as a family or chill out.Sundays is basically the same but you would either have a long day out or going to a park for a picnic or something.

  9. In 2015 we play with Lego which is multi-coloured bricks that connect together to make different objects, such as cars, buildings and characters. We play board games like Chess, Scrabble and Cluedo. Teenagers have mobile phones which allow you to send messages to other people called Text Messages and these phones allow you to play games and use the internet, as well as phone people. Younger children have portable games consoles and play games on these too. X-boxes are very popular and have fun sporty games on them like Fifa 15 where you can play a football match on a screen. Many children enjoy playing football, cricket, hockey and netball outdoors, which are played with a round ball.

    Children have to go to school from 4 years old up until 18 years old. Our Primary School is from 4 years to 11 years, where children study English, Maths, Religious Education, P.E, Music and French. We use computers for some of our work, but mainly we write with a pen or pencil in exercise books. Our small primary school starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. We have a morning break at 10.30am for 15 minutes and a lunch break for one hour at midday. Children can choose to bring a packed lunch (sandwiches) or eat a hot, cooked meal made by the school cook. We travel to school by car (a metal box on wheels that you drive which runs on petrol, diesel or electricity), a pedal bike, or you can walk.

  10. At school in 2015 at play times we all enjoy playing a running game called man hunt.
    In our classes at Dogmersfield school, our classes our called after wedding anniversaries. in a school we have people from the age of three, up to the age of eleven.
    We travel by cars, trains, plains, and some children wear Heelys. Heelys are shoes with wheels on the bottom, and skateboards and hover-boards.
    At lunch time we swap every week so some people go out side and play whilst the people inside, get their lunch. Some of the year sixes look after the four year old’s.
    When you get in to year thee you go on residential trips, they are when you go on a school trip and stay a few nights.
    For lunch some people have hot dinners and some people bring their own lunch.

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